Friday, June 24, 2011

Got Any Suggestions/Ideas???

:::edit::: After some wonderful advice, I am now more than happy to try and recreate any requests that I get from you lovely ladies. I am always up for a challenge :D

I've had sort of a mental block when it comes to nail art lately. I've been browsing for inspiration, so I had an idea and I wanted to get your input/opinions. I was thinking of doing a weekly custom nail set for someone (on press ons obviously, and then just send then out to you). I would just need a picture of your inspiration or a description of what you would want and I would try and recreate that somehow on the nails.

What do ya'll think?? Is this a good idea? My only concern is: who would want fake nails, right?? Should I just recreate them on my own nails?

Ahhh...I've got a case of the 'itis right now and it's not letting me think straight :/

Thanks for reading :)


  1. That sounds like a great idea! But maybe instead of sending the nails out, maybe just to a tuturial on how to do the nail art? That way everyone can have ago! Getting other peoples ideas/Opinions is Great! My inspiration would be penguins...but they're so complicated to do!!

  2. I think Aimee has a good idea!

  3. Thank you for your input! I never considered tutorials, but that's a great idea :)

    I did a penguin around the holidays as an accent nail, it was fairly simple though...
