Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 3

Happy Monday everyone! How was everyone's weekend? I'm extremely sleepy this morning. Bella had a bad night (night terrors for a 3 year old are not pretty!), so of course....we had a bad night. But I have a Coke and a Caramel Mac (yes, I fully intend to drink them both before lunch, lol) so I should be fine in a few hours.

Anywho, here is my progress this week. I feel like I had some kind of growth spurt this week, which of course makes me extremely happy.

On another note, I'm wearing OPI La Paz-itively Hot and I've gotta say...I think this has become my go-to color for this summer. It's so perfect!
I love how well it play with the camera, you can even see the purple/blue :)

What's your go-to color??


  1. Your nails are looking great! Glad this is working for you!

  2. I saw this on MUA this morning - it is such a pretty color!
